Junior Policy

Children and young people
Part 1

Blythe Angling and Conservation Society (BAACS) is keen to promote angling for young people.  This draft policy sets out our approach to the safeguarding of young people who may be fishing the club waters, River Blythe contained within Packington Estate, Warwickshire ‘the river’. 

Ordinarily any young person fishing the river will do so under the direct supervision of a parent (or guardian/carer) who will remain present on the river for the duration of the visit  To this end BAACs will adopt the principles of safeguarding outlined in the Angling Trust ‘Safeguarding Children and Young People in Angling’ (updated 2018) in particular the key principle that a child’s welfare is of paramount consideration and that we all have a responsibility to keep children and young people safe.  Children and young people are not allowed top join BAACS in their own right until they have reached the age of 18yrs.

Young people will not engage in any work parties on the river under any circulstances

Part 2 children and young people as guest anglers

A full (adult) member may take a child/young person (under 18 years) as a guest to fish the river without using their 4 guest entitlement as part of their membership. In effect a member may take a child/young person to visit as often as they wish without using up their guest tickets.  The child/young person will remain their sole responsibility and be under their supervision for the entire visit. No extra fish allocation will be made for a child/young person fishing with a member and so ‘taken’ fish will remain within that member’s ordinary entitlement.

It is important that any guest details including children and young people are fully recorded on the signing in sheets as this enables the guest to be covered by BAACS insurance as a ‘day member’.

Andy Birch (secretary) is the club welfare officer, please discuss with him in confidence if you have any concerns or worries troutsec@gmail.com